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RHEMA Connection :: Prophecies
Kenneth E Hagin Prophecies | Other RHEMA Prophecies | Other Prophecies

Please understand that prophecies are given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit THROUGH MEN and WOMEN of God. This means that they are not GOSPEL. People have taken prophecies and built ministries and goals based on another person's prophecy. EVERY prophecy should be judged first by the Word of God and secondly by the witness of the Holy Spirit in the person's heart who is reading.

Prophecies are wanted and needed in the body of Christ, but everyone is subject to the truth of the Word before being considered "on target" or "from God." Brother Hagin himself said that if it didn't bare witness to throw it away.




Future of the Ministry



1979 and 1984 Graduation

Longmont Prophecy - HTML | PDF
October 1, 1974

The Lord Has an Army:
The Church Will Not Grow Weaker and Weaker.

February 17th, 1975

The Glory of God
January 22nd, 1979 - Monday PM Service
Faith Convention - Anaheim, CA

1975 and 1977 Graduations
May 1975 Charter Class Graduation
and 1977 Graduation

1977 Campmeeting
July 27th, 1977 - 7:30 PM Service

1977 Campmeeting - Evangelisctic Association Letter
July 27th, 1977 - 7:30 PM Service



The Greatest Move and Manifestation
of the Spirit of God


Prayer Seminar
April and October 1983

1984 and 1979 Graduation
*Same as listed in 1970's above



Excert from I believe in visions
December 28th, 1996



Winter Bible Seminar, Tulsa, OK
February 18, 2003

Kenneth E Hagin



Holy Ghost Meeting, Tulsa, OK
October 12th - 24th

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