The Berlin Wall
Kenneth Copeland - June 4, 1989


Something happened in the spirit. I don't know yet just what. I've got a lot of ideas, but I don't have anything directly from the Holy Spirit about it. Something happened in the spirit when Khomeini died. Something that Satan's been able to use as a foothold to hold back the flood of God's supernatural power.
"And after the time is spent," saith the Lord, "there is coming for you a great outpouring of the supernatural. Not to just bless the Church, but to cause a great awakening throughout the earth and in all lands, in all tongues, and in all peoples, in order to gather the precious fruit of the earth. For the time is at hand for all things written to be fulfilled.

"The time is at hand for the Word of the Lord to come to pass. The time is at hand for fulfillment. The time is at hand for those things that God has promised you as individuals to be fulfilled and to be manifest. The time is at hand. The time is come. The time is come and now is," saith the Lord, "for great, great, great manifestations far beyond anything that has happened in the past. Not just beyond, but far beyond anything that's happened before now."

"Well, Brother Copeland, I've heard that before." Well, you're hearing it again. "And it's time," the Lord is saying. It is time. And it's time for congregations to take the responsibility to close in, in faith. Close in. Do you know what I mean by closing in? Do you know what they say when the police came? I mean, the FBI closed in on them, brother. I mean, it's time for God's forces to close in on the devil. Close in and tighten up its ranks and to begin to praise and worship God like never before. To begin to praise and shout the praises unto God.

For the strongholds of the devil are not strongholds with a base and foundation of power. For he has no power. His house is divided and he has already fallen. It's just a matter of time until his strongholds come down like the walls of Jericho. But not without the shout of God's people. Not without the obedience of God's people. And not without the strength of the faith of those that call Him Lord.

"These are days of mighty, mighty importance," saith God. "There are times in the ages to come when you will recall these days and these hours. And you'll read about them. And you'll see all that's going on from My perspective," saith the Lord. "And you'll shake your head and say, 'My, my, why didn't I do more? Why didn't I do more than what I was doing then? Couldn't I tell that the mighty move of God and the mighty hand of the Spirit was waving across the land like never before? Why didn't I pray more? Why didn't I move in closer into the inner circle of God's movings and God's things and even the secrets of God would have been manifest to my heart and I would have walked and I would have talked and stood before God in a much more vibrant way.'" Praise God!

Well, the time has come. We don't have to wait and wish that later, thank God. We can move into it now. We can move into it now.

Now this is what the Lord is saying, so hearken and heed to it. Take heed to it. Listen. For mighty wave of the supernatural is coming and soon to burst on the scene. Soon to crash like a mighty tidal wave and burst on the scene. Not just here and there, and a little here and a little over there, but as a mighty wave splashes and covers entire continents. And the power of God will rise in places that people didn't even know that there was a God. But it will be there. And there will be things that will fall before the pressure of it. That people will shake their head and say, "I never would have believed that could happen."

There are going to be political walls and political fences that crumble right before men's eyes. Mighty, mighty strongholds of political power and political strength in different political systems all over the world will suddenly change hands, crumble, and fall and men will say, "I never would have thought that would happen, but I'm seeing it. I'm looking at it."

The Berlin Wall will come down. It's a sign. The Berlin Wall will come down. There will be other walls that will come down. There will be some walls that will go up. Many changes are going to take place. But those that are wise in their heart and listen to the Spirit of God will be quick to say, "Oh, the Lord is at work in the land." And they will be quick to pray. And they will be quick to rise up as a witness in the streets. And they will be quick to testify wherever they go: "The Lord is working! The Lord is working! He'll save you! He'll heal you! He'll deliver you! He'll bring you into the place that you ought to be."

There are those standing in the presence of this preacher tonight, right in this room, that up until this moment, you never had any more idea, oh, maybe something going around in your heart, but you never would tolerate it. You never would let it speak to you. You never would listen to it. You didn't come into this service expecting to surrender to God's ministry and to His call to preach the gospel than you intended to go into outer space. But before this service is through tonight, there's going to be people in this room that are going to turn their lives over to Christ Jesus and say to Him, "I'll go wherever You tell me go and I'll do whatever You tell me to do. I'm Your man. I'm Your woman." You came here wondering who you are and what you are and you're going to leave here tonight saying, "I am not only a child of God, but now I'm a man of God. I'm a woman of God. I'm called of God. And from this day forward let it be reckoned among everybody's attention, and I call everybody present to record this day, that I am a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I'll be that for the rest of eternity." Praise the Lord.

There are those that will be that way tonight. There are two here that will walk out of this place tonight and say, "I'll tell you, that's the silliest bunch I ever was around in my life." There are two people that will walk out of here saying that tonight. One of them is going to be arrested in his thinking before morning. The other one, if he doesn't repent, won't live long. This is not a time to fuss around and play around and criticize God's people or His ways. For He's God. Amen. And it's closing-in time. It's time for things to come to pass and things to be reckoned with. Amen.

So praise ye the Lord and again I say rejoice. For great is the hour that is at hand. So worship and praise the Lord your God and know that He is the Lord and you're His child. Hallelujah. Praise You, Lord! (Praised the Lord and then prayed in the Spirit for awhile.)

"The prayers and the intercessions of My people in the United States," saith the Lord, "has gotten through and has settled and established some things in the realm of the spirit. And there will be some very exciting changes for the better in your country and it's already begun.

"Now there are some things that your prayers have stayed and stopped and pushed aside. Some very disastrous things that the prayers and the faith of My people have turned and stopped and caused to be held back. And you're going to see some exciting things take place in your government, in politics, in your finances, but most of all, in the preaching of the gospel and in the outpouring of the Spirit of God in this land. You're going to see some things happen right in your own nation that's going to charge the excitement on the inside of you and say, 'Glory to God, I knew it! I knew God wasn't through with this nation.'

"No, I'm not through with it. I never have been through with it. But because of the lack of responsibility on the part of My people, many, many things could have been avoided that were not avoided because My people didn't pray. But recently My people have prayed in this country. And they've called out unto Me and the healing that is available to you of your land has started. But now a word of warning. Don't get complacent and get lazy and let the devil come back in and rebuild strongholds. Keep him where he belongs—under your feet. Keep him where he belongs—kicked out. Keep him where he belongs—at the point of the Sword, the Word of the Living God. Keep him under control by faith, by supernatural power. Don't try any longer to battle him with natural resources. Stop him! Stop him! Don't battle him. Stop him! Don't just say we're going to battle. No, the battle has been won! Go to victory! Hallelujah. Go to the victory and rejoice! Rejoice!

"Some very exciting things are about to happen in South Africa. Just in the next few days. In the next seven days, some of it you will hear about. Some of it you won't right away. But some very exciting things are about to happen in South Africa because My people there have been praying.

"Now I'm ashamed of some of you from the way you have treated the Body of Christ in that country, but I forgive you," saith the Lord. "And it's going on in victory and in power and you're going to rejoice and you're going to be glad. For the Spirit of God is moving in that nation.

"Now, I'm not preparing you for a long time of comfort. I'm preparing you for a short time of supernatural outpouring. For the end is at hand. The end is at hand. No, it's not an end for you, it's a beginning. The beginning of all you've longed for. The beginning of all that I've longed for," saith the Spirit of Grace. "The beginning, starting with the very first time in all things that My family will be in one place at one time with Me, all of us rejoicing and praising together. So rejoice again," saith the Lord. "The time is at hand and I'm more excited than you are about it." Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

–Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
June 4, 1989
Eagle Mountain International Church