Things are going to make a turn in this nation
and in the nation of Israel. It's going to be a quick turn. There are
some things that are about to happen, and if you think this last election
was a surprise, you wait until I do what I'm about to do in this country.
I've already begun, you will know it when you see it.... Yeah you'll know
exactly when it happens. It's a turn the nation will take and people will
say "I never thought we could ever have it, I never thought we'd ever
come there."
Oh yeah, the United States has yet to see her finest hour. But it's close,
very, very, very close. Very, very, very close at hand. Grand things,
big things, little things. We're going to do this together, saith the
Lord, the Spirit of Grace. Some wonderful things from heaven, wonderful
things are going to take place politically. I'm taking this nation back
to its roots. I'm taking it back to the place where I started it.... You'll
understand more as days go by. Make yourself available to Me to pray and
I'll let you in on things. I'll let you in on it before it happens. You'll
say "Uh-huh, see there I told you." Praise the Lord.
Israel is coming into a place as a nation that it has never known before.
I am manifesting myself in the nation of Israel. And you will see and
understand some political things in the very near future, particularly
in December, but then more in January, February and the first half of
the month of March 2003.
2003 you'll see and know more from Me, saith the Lord. 2003 will certainly
be what I said you'd see. It's My time, we're into My time.
Preparing for the Great Resurrection
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. You're over
into a time of grace. A time of My ministering in the earth in ways that
mankind has never seen before. In the Fall (of Man), in the Garden of
Eden, certain things happened that caused Me to step back and wait. Certain
things under Adam's time, Adam's lease upon the earth, his time of appointed
authority—[there were] certain things I could not infringe upon,
certain things I had to withdraw from, certain manifestations my heart
longed to bring forth into My family, into My Body and into the earth
family that I was not allowed to do. But those days have ended.... I'm
stepping forth now in areas that I was not allowed to step forth in for
many, many, many years but I've been released, saith the Lord.
My angels have been released, saith the Lord. It's My time. I am and I
will continue to be the Lord Advocate General of the Church. You're going
to know Me in ways you've never dreamed of. You're going to know Me more
intimately than you know any human being on the face of the earth. You're
going to know My Word, you're going to have revelation of My Word that's
beyond anything you could possibly dream up on your own. For you see your
own family—your brothers and sisters and your mother and your daddy
and your grandparents and other members of the Body of Christ—that
are already in heaven are already learning these things and you're not
going to come up short. I'll teach them to you at the same time I'm teaching
them for we are preparing for the great Resurrection, saith the Lord.
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
November 8, 2002
Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign