'This Is the Time, These Are the Days!'
Kenneth Copeland - October 18th, 2003

Hallelujah. There are those coming from the east, coming from the west, coming from the north and the south. From all directions to attack and to do harm to your home land, and the place of your joy. But they'll not succeed saith the Lord. They will not accomplish what they have set (tongues) what they have set their hearts to do and what has been set before them and the track that they have taken and chosen to be a part of, that the enemy of your soul has set them upon. They'll not be successful. They're coming from all parts of the world. North, south, east and west. "Ah", they said "we're coming from all directions. They'll never be able, they'll never be able to stop us." No, they're not coming from all directions saith the Lord. They forgot to look up, for I'm here. I am involved saith the Spirit of Grace. I am the Spirit of Grace. I am the Spirit of Love. I am the Spirit of healing and health and goodness and peace. I am the Spirit of all these things saith the Lord. I am also the Spirit of Covenant. And I established long before your birth and long before the birth of your fathers and your fore fathers—I established a covenant in this land and I will not, I will not, I will not let it go.

And I will not, and I will not, and I will not let it down. And I will not, and I will not, and I will not forget My promise concerning this land of the Gospel. For this place is Mine. I have chosen to be here saith the Lord. I am the Spirit of Peace but when war is brought unto Me, then I am the Spirit of Victory. And you will see that, and you will know that, and it will be much sooner than you think saith the Lord. For the trap is set, and it is about to be sprung and I am the victor and I always be. So look up! Look up! Your redemption draweth nigh saith the Lord God. Hallelujah.

You stay with Me saith the Lord. You stay close to Me. Keep your prayer life in order and keep your praise life alive and keep and continue the spirit of joy and rejoice in Me. And again I say rejoice, for these are better days than you think they are and you are already over into the days that will be called "the days of renown". For the outpouring of My Spirit in the highest and strongest wave of the glory that has ever been seen by the human race is already under way, and in 2004 there'll be more and more and more and again I say more. So look up! For this is the time that you prayed about. These are the days that you've longed for and your restoration is at hand and great shall be that restoration and no man shall be able to stop it! Hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus.

–Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign
October 18th, 2003
Woodbridge, VA